Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Passenger side

After a few pleasant days relaxing and visiting with Roberto and Larissa, Dan and I head for the mountain resort village of Monteverde.
On the road to Monteverde
Everyone talks about the road. One statistic says a lot: Allow 2 hours to drive the 35 kilometers from the highway up the steep mountain road. While I have the passenger side willies, Dan manages not to spill my beer. I avoid watching the downhill side. The locals resist fixing up the road. At peak times, the traffic in the resort area is almost grid locked in places.

Google Earth track.

(Large) Quicktime movie of crossing the divide.

I booked the first place on the list in Larissa's guide book, and it turns out to be another posh joint with resplendent views of the Gulf of Nicoya.

As we unload the car, the bellboy points out that the passenger side rear tire is almost flat. We swap it out and go for dinner.


Anonymous said...

resplendent? pretty big word for us common folk. xxx ooo CJ