Friday, February 2, 2007

Everything is going according to plan

On Friday, we get up at 4:30 to drive to Montezuma, hoping to make the 8:30 ferry at Puntarenas.

It's the kind of drive that makes it hard to be a passenger; we wind through narrow switchbacks ascending the valley -- all the while there are pedestrians, dogs, giant trucks and the regular traffic on a road barely wide enough for two lanes. The yellow lines mean nothing in Costa Rica. Everyone passes wherever they like.

Dan seems fearless driving the crazy switchbacks, but when we hit straight patches, he stretches his hands to keep them from cramping. I posted a video here.

I also posted suspension bridge crossing. You can see the location here.

We just make the ferry line. I run to the ticket office while Dan waits in line. The girls at the ticket office send me away, pointing toward the boat and waving cards at me. It seems I need a special card for the car. I wander around frantically trying to figure out where to get the card. Finally I ask one of the blue shirted boys who are directing the ferry traffic where to get a "boleto para caro" and he asks me where we are in the line. Satisfied that there's room for us, he hands me the card. I run back to the ticket office, buy our tickets, and we are the last car to make it onboard. Perfecto. Everything is going according to plan.

Main Street Montezuma
After a short ferry ride, and a dusty drive through rural countryside, Montezuma appears out of nowhere. Montezuma is a laid-back-hippy-dream-beach middle-of-nowhere groove-town. Every place is in the hotel-tour-bar-restaurant-beachwear business. We step out of the air conditioned car into a wall of heat. 32+ degrees. We run into Diane the yoga instructor masseuse and Dan introduces me. We have arrived.